Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obsession [uhb-sesh-uhn] - noun: the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.

If you hadn't noticed, I am a tad bit obsessed with taking pictures of Hunter and Baylor. Every chuckle, every roll, every bite, every smile... I'm there, with my handy little camera, right in their faces. (I know they'll thank me one day, right?) There are actually days when I feel as if I'm not taking enough photos! Crazy, I know. But, I think it's because every part of my being loves them unconditionally and I don't want to miss one moment of their lives. Whether it is something small or big, I want to capture it all before I forget what just happened! They seem to be growing up so fast. So fast, that I'm actually starting to forget how it felt to hold them when they were so itty bitty. And it breaks my heart to feel this way...
In just one week we will once again take them to the doctor for yet another routine check up. But this check is not just any check up... it is their SIX MONTH visit! What am I going to do? In another 6 months they'll be a year... next Christmas they'll be a year and a half, walking/running and talking........ (insert BIG SIGH here).
When they are upstairs taking their naps, I find myself looking back at the thousands of photos that I have taken. I look at pictures of me while I was pregnant and miss those moments when I could feel them move and kick. I look at the first few days of Hunter and Baylor's lives in awe and wonder if that was really me carrying those two beautiful, little angels. Sometimes, to this very day, my life still seems a bit surreal. I feel like I am luckiest girl in the world to have such healthy, beautiful, radiant little boys to cherish and love.

Here are some of my favorite moments

I never plan to stop taking pictures and I hope to get better at it. (I'm better behind the lens than in front, I think.) To me a picture is priceless and can freeze a moment in time forever. So, I'll never forget these moments and they'll never be a distant memory for me, David or the boys as we all grow older. I am one lucky mom and I want to show the world just why...

Over the River And Through the Woods, To Grandmother's House We Go...

Our first Christmas as a family! I felt so blessed to be with David, the boys and my family this year. Although Hunter and Baylor did not understand what was going on around them, it was the best Christmas I have ever had.
Christmas eve was spent at my grandmother's and boy were they spoiled with hugs and kisses! Hunter was so incredibly adorable with his Great Grandma Georgia. He was constantly giving her kisses! And she loved every slobbery munch of the cheek!

The best gifts of all...

Finally, a family photo!

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...

Did I mention that Hunter is getting better at sitting up on his own? It happened one day while we were "practicing". I let go, slowly backed away... and presto! He's actually sitting!!! I was so excited that I couldn't stop taking pictures. And, of course, Hunter's looking at me as if I'm crazy for leaving him alone to do this.

Sitting up on their own will open a whole new chapter for them! Not to mention it would make my duty as entertainer of the day much, much easier! Baylor has not quite gotten there yet. But, his auto-reflex of rolling over as soon as he touches ground makes for an interesting day. To him it's the best thing since squash!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here are the photos I promised... :)

Some beautiful pics of Hunter...

and Baylor

Check out this pose

They're like our very own little GQ models!

Hopefully this coming up week David and I will actually be in the pictures...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No "Theme" Title Here... Just Random Moments

The past week or so has been one wild ride! Baylor and Hunter turned another corner and are now 5 months old, they are now eating squash, Aunt Jackie came to visit, and the following weekend my mom visited! And coming up.... CHRISTMAS!!!!! I cannot wait! I love Christmas, but this year it is extra special to me because I have Baylor and Hunter to share it with! :) Baby's 1st tree, ornament, stocking, meeting all of my family, and hopefully snow! We had a few flurries the other night, but nothing to brag about.

With Aunt Jackie


"I. Can't. Eat. Another. Bite."

Video of the little boogers eating their squash (2nd day)

Here are a few fun pics of the boys

Rocking tummy time!

I still have a few more photos to post (once I take them!). So stay tuned...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble

This year we were in Greenville, SC with David's mom and family for Thanksgiving. We arrived just in time to feed the boys and beat his grandma and Aunt Nancy. Surprise! They had no idea we were coming so it was a nice added touch to a great day in Greenville!

Happy Thanksgiving!

"I'm stuffed"

Great Grandma with Baylor

Santa Clause is coming to town....
We had our very first visit with Santa this week! Baylor and Hunter were such good boys. No tears, just looks of confusion really. We loved the experience and the photo was so stinking cute, but man is it ever a rip off! $24 for two 5x7's... really?? And forget anyone scanning and copying them for you to duplicate. The company will not give you the authorization to. But we're finding a way around this so we can get copies out to family! Here's a photo of the photo though! :)

We are now eating real food! I'm talking bananas and squash! It's so exciting to watch Baylor and Hunter grow and soak up everything that surrounds them. Gosh, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was just pregnant! And now I am making baby food?! I like making their food though... This way I know that what they're eating is organic and healthy ~ and not to mention cheaper! So far they like the bananas. I'll let you know how they're doing with the squash this week.

Here are a few more photos of Hunter and Baylor...

Hunter will put anything in his mouth... including his brother.

My two little jail birds

Baylor's hair is out of control ~ It's awesome!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

As I get older I realize that time only wants to go by faster and faster. These past few weeks have been no exception! Baylor and Hunter turned 4 months old, had their 4mo check up, Grandma Barb and Dave came down to sit, and the boys are eating rice cereal now!! Let's start from the beginning shall we...

Happy 4 Months!!

Aren't they getting so big?!



You should check out their photos on the Sticky Bellies Facebook and website! I am such a proud mom!

Check Ups and Growing Up
We had their 4mo doctor's appointment last week and we were so pleased to hear that they are progressing normally and looking fabulous! Hunter weighs 13 pounds 3.5 ounces and Baylor 12 pounds 10 ounces. They are both 24 3/4 inches long... still small little boys though compared to the "norm".

We also received the go ahead on rice cereal! I was so anxious to start them on solids. I cannot wait to start making their baby food! Here are some photos from their first couple of tries with rice cereal.

Day 1: a little rocky. They didn't know what to think let alone how to swallow this weird, new texture

Day 2: I'm starting to like this stuff! Baylor begins to swallow the mixture and by the third day, Hunter was actually leaning forward with his mouth open wanting more! I'm teaching them the sign for 'all done'... I guess we're going to have to work on 'more' 'please'! :)

"I'd rather eat bib!"

Grandma's Coming To Town!
David's mom and BF Dave came in Saturday to watch the boys for us so we could attend my girlfriend Laura's wedding reception. We had a great time at the party and Barb and Dave had a good time with the boys. We really appreciate it when one of our parents can actually come in to help us out with a little time here and there so we can go to our friends special events. A date night would be awesome as well! :) Gosh... those days seem so long ago.

Hunter is always wanting to stand these days! He and Baylor both are such strong little babies!

It was so nice to see my friends Saturday and be there to help celebrate Laura's marriage! I love her and wish her many, many years of happiness!!!!

The happy couple, Carl and Laura Soriano

David, me, Jake, Aubree, Luci, Jane and Seth

We're ready for Thanksgiving and some time with David's family! And then it's Christmas tree time!!! I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas and put up Hunter and Baylor's first stocking and tree ornaments!