Saturday, September 11, 2010

Visitors & Random photos

So I've been trying to do a better job of taking pictures of the boys with all of their loved ones and adoring fans, but I do forget now and then!

In the hospital family and friends came by to see Baylor and Hunter and spread the love!

Uncle John Paul & Aunt Jackie

Grandma Ann

Grandpa Ken

Grandma Barb

Great Aunt Nancy

Great Grandma Georgia

Uncle Zach

Grandpa Johnny

Mike Doyle, Jon Lindvig, & David Frank
(gave the boys their first UGA football)

"Aunt" Aubree

Mandy & Todd

*Thank you to my mom and sister for all of the above pictures!*

Once we were home we had SEVERAL visitors! I was such a zombie and always forgot to take pictures of everyone with the boys. My mom and Ken came into town to watch the boys one night for us so we could attend a friends wedding ~ I forgot a picture. David's mom and her boyfriend ~ I forgot! Friends... yep! Forgot again... I did finally remember when my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Joe came in from Anderson, SC with their girls.

Samantha, Aunt Lisa, Sydney & Uncle Joe

This past weekend David's dad and his wife, Karen, came in all the way from Doylestown, PA. We were so happy to have them here to finally meet Baylor and Hunter. They got lots of love from the boys and were witness to the new and improved play time. Baylor and Hunter love play time now! They kick and coo constantly! It's so stinking cute!

Grandma Karen & Grandpa Gary

And by the way, we're doing an amazing job during tummy time!

More Photos of Baylor & Hunter

My First Toy

My First Bath

Baylor has loved his baths from the very beginning

Hunter, not so much. But now he loves it ~ thank goodness!

Catching up on some zzzz....

With Uncle JP after his first football game as a starter on the Varsity team ~ and a Freshman!

I'll definitely continue to post more photos and keep everyone updated on Baylor and Hunter's new adventures and progress! Two month check up this coming up week...

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