Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble

This year we were in Greenville, SC with David's mom and family for Thanksgiving. We arrived just in time to feed the boys and beat his grandma and Aunt Nancy. Surprise! They had no idea we were coming so it was a nice added touch to a great day in Greenville!

Happy Thanksgiving!

"I'm stuffed"

Great Grandma with Baylor

Santa Clause is coming to town....
We had our very first visit with Santa this week! Baylor and Hunter were such good boys. No tears, just looks of confusion really. We loved the experience and the photo was so stinking cute, but man is it ever a rip off! $24 for two 5x7's... really?? And forget anyone scanning and copying them for you to duplicate. The company will not give you the authorization to. But we're finding a way around this so we can get copies out to family! Here's a photo of the photo though! :)

We are now eating real food! I'm talking bananas and squash! It's so exciting to watch Baylor and Hunter grow and soak up everything that surrounds them. Gosh, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was just pregnant! And now I am making baby food?! I like making their food though... This way I know that what they're eating is organic and healthy ~ and not to mention cheaper! So far they like the bananas. I'll let you know how they're doing with the squash this week.

Here are a few more photos of Hunter and Baylor...

Hunter will put anything in his mouth... including his brother.

My two little jail birds

Baylor's hair is out of control ~ It's awesome!